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Zero Waste Event at Ohanyan Educational Complex


On November 8, 2022, Ms. Natia Natsvlishvili, UNDP Resident Representative in Armenia, Mr. John Gallagher, UK Ambassador to Armenia as well as representatives from different international organizations, government institutions and diplomatic missions in Armenia took part in the demo event organized jointly by the UNDP/GEF Small Grants Programme and ISSD NGO at Ohanyan Educational Complex. The event included tree planting at the school orchard and demonstration of composting technology to promote a zero-waste culture and increase public awareness on the importance of composting among schoolchildren.

“…Today’s event is our contribution to the country’s commitments to increase the percentage of tree-planted areas in Armenia. And by assigning the schoolchildren as care takers, we hope that the planted orchard will be duly maintained” – Ms. Natia Natsvlishvili mentioned during her speech. 

The ISSD NGO trainers conducted a masterclass for the guests and schoolchildren on composting and explained its importance for the environment.

During the event the schoolchildren of the educational complex were assigned trees planted in the name of guests and received symbolic passports to record any activities they performed to take care of the trees. 


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