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  • Conservation of the fish stock through awareness raising of citizens and state policy reforms

Conservation of the fish stock through awareness raising of citizens and state policy reforms

Region :
Grantee :
Professional Education Reforms NGO
Focal Area :
Cross Area :
Capacity building
Grant Amount :
Sponsor Amount:

Project Details & Results


In recent decades, fish stocks of industrial and economic significance in Armenian freshwaters have drastically declined as a result of a number of anthropogenic factors, such as unsustainable use of water resources, exploitation of hydraulic facilities, and particularly unregulated fishing and poaching. As a result, only 10 out of the 22 native fish species of Armenian freshwaters are found in the national Red Book, and many of the economically valuable species have been exterminated, and they are currently under extinction. The situation is partly conditioned by weak legal framework, that does not clearly regulate the permissions, procedures and conditions for amateur fishing. These factors have directly resulted in overexploitation of fish stocks by uncontrolled and destructive fishing practices.

The project aims to promote conservation of fish stocks in the freshwaters of Armenia through raising public awareness and initiating state policy reforms in fishery sector. 

The project will be implemented in the following three stages that are characterized by a distinct set of activities. In the first stage, draft materials on species composition and biological characteristics of fish found in Armenia’s freshwaters, as well as current rules and restrictions on fishing practices will be developed. At the same time, the legislative framework regulating the amateur fishing will be studied and analyzed to identify the existing problems and challenges and well as develop draft legislative and normative acts for further discussion and endorsement. In the second stage, materials on differentiation of fish species by their biological features will be developed as well as current state and proposed reforms on legislation framework of recreational fishing will be discussed with amateur fishermen and respective NGOs in the riparian communities. Meanwhile, legislative changes for improving fishery regulations and fish stocks conservation policies will be discussed with the respective government agencies. In the final stage, knowledge materials will be developed and published, as well as drafts of legislative reforms on recreational fishing and fish stocks conservation will be developed.

Project Results

The project will produce the following results:

- Draft legislative and normative documents are developed to ensure conservation and effective exploitation of fish stocks;

- Awareness of amateur fishermen, respective NGOs and decision-making authorities is raised on fish species, fish stock conservation and legislative reforms;

- Knowledge materials (guide, leaflets and posters) on fish species found in the Armenian freshwaters and conservation measures are disseminated among project stakeholders and decision-makers.

In recent decades, fish stocks of industrial and economic significance in Armenian freshwaters have drastically declined as a result of a number of anthropogenic factors, such as unsustainable use of water resources, exploitation of hydraulic facilities, and particularly unregulated fishing and poaching. As a result, only 10 out of the 22 native fish species of Armenian freshwaters are found in the national Red Book, and many of the economically valuable species have been exterminated, and they are currently under extinction. The situation is partly conditioned by weak legal framework, that does not clearly regulate the permissions, procedures and conditions for amateur fishing. These factors have directly resulted in overexploitation of fish stocks by uncontrolled and destructive fishing practices.

The project aims to promote conservation of fish stocks in the freshwaters of Armenia through raising public awareness and initiating state policy reforms in fishery sector. 

The project will be implemented in the following three stages that are characterized by a distinct set of activities. In the first stage, draft materials on species composition and biological characteristics of fish found in Armenia’s freshwaters, as well as current rules and restrictions on fishing practices will be developed. At the same time, the legislative framework regulating the amateur fishing will be studied and analyzed to identify the existing problems and challenges and well as develop draft legislative and normative acts for further discussion and endorsement. In the second stage, materials on differentiation of fish species by their biological features will be developed as well as current state and proposed reforms on legislation framework of recreational fishing will be discussed with amateur fishermen and respective NGOs in the riparian communities. Meanwhile, legislative changes for improving fishery regulations and fish stocks conservation policies will be discussed with the respective government agencies. In the final stage, knowledge materials will be developed and published, as well as drafts of legislative reforms on recreational fishing and fish stocks conservation will be developed.

Project Results

The project will produce the following results:

  • Draft legislative and normative documents are developed to ensure conservation and effective exploitation of fish stocks;
  • Awareness of amateur fishermen, respective NGOs and decision-making authorities is raised on fish species, fish stock conservation and legislative reforms;
  • Knowledge materials (guide, leaflets and posters) on fish species found in the Armenian freshwaters and conservation measures are disseminated among project stakeholders and decision-makers 
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