ECO-99 CBO in cooperation with the Armenia Round Table (ART) has been testing and applying complex organic methods of land management on the saline areas of Ararat valley in Armenia, where a large part of land is not cultivated because of salination and desertification. In a land-starved country this is a serious problem, and if ways are not found to solve it, it will turn into a serious ecological, social and economic problem.
ECO-99 ecological CBO aims to implement sustainable land management practices in Armenia utilizing ecologically safe methods of improving saline lands through theoretical and practical works.
The project goal is to start activities on nature friendly and ecologically safe complex methods of rehabilitation of saline lands on Ararat valley in Armenia with the help of theoretical and practical undertakings.
The specific objectives of the projects are (1) strengthening capacities of the demo farm of ECO-99 CBO, which will become the first one in Armenia implementing and disseminating a complex organic method of rehabilitation of saline lands; a small demo plot will be established in the neighbouring community of Haykashen; (2) through theoretical and on-job trainings disseminate the SLM practices among other farmers and youth.
Please see the film on project results at: (Armenian version)
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