Within the frame of the project it is anticipated to establish a fish-breeding complex in Geghhovit community of Gegharkunik region. The project will create an opportunity to implement protection and reproduction of Salmo ischchan Kessler in Lake Sevan, registered in the Red Data book of Armenia and former Soviet Union as well as to be registered in IUCN Red List. The project envisages free discharge of 5-10 thousand young fishes into surrounding natural environment (Lake Sevan and rivers tributary to the lake). Besides, within the project activities it is anticipated to invite respective specialists with corresponding practical work experience from scientific, research or governing agencies, and to organize 5 trainings in Geghhovit, Lernakert, Madina, inner Getashen, upper Getashen communities on biodiversity conservation, Protected Areas, as well as on the safe use of agrochemicals.
One (1) amateur fishing pond will be established which will promote the developing of ecotourism in the area. Besides, 30 farms will be provided alternative irrigation water discharged from fishing ponds.
Expected results at the end of the project are the following:
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