The project will tackle the issue of uncontrolled and imprudent usage of plastic (PE) shopping bags and contamination of the environment with plastic trash. There are almost no recycling and waste reduction practices in Armenia, therefore the PE/plastic waste appears in substandard landfills, and often exposed to an open-air burning at the dumpsites, emitting extremely hazardous dioxins and furans that are prohibited by Stockholm Convention. The importance of reduction of usage of PE bags is recognized by the society and all the stakeholders, however they have different, often conflicting interests on this issue. Fragmented activities that have been carried out previously have not proved to be effective, neither produced desired result. Therefore, it was decided to address the problem in the view of a participatory and consistent approach, taking into consideration the interests of all parties. In particular, the project is planning to organize a series of measures through policy dialogue of various formats to achieve a consensus regarding feasible solution(s) to the problem and make relevant recommendations to the decision makers for advocating legal/regulatory solutions for reducing plastic waste.
Project Results
The following are the project results:
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